Symbol | USDJPY (US Dollar vs Japanese Yen - 1 lot = 100,000) |
Period | 4 Hours (H4) 2024.01.01 20:00 - 2024.12.31 20:00 (2024.01.01 - 2025.01.01) |
Model | Control points (a very crude method, the results must not be considered) |
Parameters | CHelp="===================================="; DaysHelp="------------------------------------"; Monday=1; Tuesday=1; Wednesday=1; Thursday=1; Friday=1; Saturday=1; Sunday=1; LHelp="------------------------------------"; Lots=0.1; TW1Help="===================================="; TW1THelp="------------------------------------"; ServerHourFrom1=15; ServerMinFrom1=15; ServerHourTo1=22; ServerMinTo1=15; TW1MAHelp="------------------------------------"; MAPeriod1=26; MAOffset1=30; TW1PMHelp="------------------------------------"; TradeDirection1=0; TakeProfit1=0; StopLoss1=0; TrailingStop1=0; TrailingStep1=15; TW2Help="===================================="; SecondWindowEnabled=0; TW2THelp="------------------------------------"; ServerHourFrom2=14; ServerMinFrom2=30; ServerHourTo2=22; ServerMinTo2=0; TW2MAHelp="------------------------------------"; MAPeriod2=8; MAOffset2=4; TW2PMHelp="------------------------------------"; TradeDirection2=0; TakeProfit2=0; StopLoss2=0; TrailingStop2=0; TrailingStep2=1; OHelp="===================================="; NewBarWindowSec=60; CFDTickScaling=0; MagicNumber=20120930; |
Bars in test | 2615 | Ticks modelled | 79436 | Modelling quality | n/a |
Mismatched charts errors | 1 | | | | |
Initial deposit | 1000.00 | | | Spread | 30 |
Total net profit | 3103.15 | Gross profit | 3320.93 | Gross loss | -217.78 |
Profit factor | 15.25 | Expected payoff | 206.88 | | |
Absolute drawdown | 43.80 | Maximal drawdown | 680.63 (21.53%) | Relative drawdown | 27.42% (514.28) |
Total trades | 15 | Short positions (won %) | 7 (57.14%) | Long positions (won %) | 8 (87.50%) |
| Profit trades (% of total) | 11 (73.33%) | Loss trades (% of total) | 4 (26.67%) |
Largest | profit trade | 925.93 | loss trade | -113.34 |
Average | profit trade | 301.90 | loss trade | -54.45 |
Maximum | consecutive wins (profit in money) | 3 (345.82) | consecutive losses (loss in money) | 1 (-113.34) |
Maximal | consecutive profit (count of wins) | 1195.36 (2) | consecutive loss (count of losses) | -113.34 (1) |
Average | consecutive wins | 2 | consecutive losses | 1 |